新的开始(New Beginning)
挖深洞(Dig Deep)
精明决定(Split Second Decision)
分流 & 成功(Divide and Conquer)
触动开关(Switch It Up)
蒸汽(Steam-biotic Relationship)
蒸汽导管(Steam Conductor)
上升到挑战(Rising to the Challenge)
照顾两边(Look Both Ways)
压下蒸汽(Hot Off Presses)
保持分离(Keep Them Separated)
毒水坑(Sombody's Poisoned the Waterhole)
加水(Just Add Water)
碰撞(Two World Collide)
16. 管道之梦(Pipe Dream)
17. 按下阀门(Tap Water)
18. 掉头(U-turn)
19. 充满蒸汽(Full Steam Ahead)
20. 开心一跃(Jump for Joy)
21. 绿色吃水机器(Mean Green Water Eating Machine)
22. 紫金山(Purple Mountains Majesty)
23. 从中间平分(Part Down the Middle)
24. 绿灯行(Grean Means Go)
25. 某个东西(Thingamabob)
26. 降落在绿藻上(Rise and Fall of the Green Empire)
27. 你完成了(U Complete Me)
28. 作出牺牲(Making Sacrifices)
29. 迅速成长(Growth Spurt)
30. 什么意思(What Does it Mean?)
31. 到处侵蚀(Corrode to Nowwhere)
32. 两者抵消(Running Interference)
33. 爆炸(Start With a Bang)
34. 有趣的流动(Fun Run)
35. 植物硬化(Botanical Hardens)
36. 熔岩(Hot and Coaled)
37. 灭火器(Fire Extinguisher)
38. 修补屋顶(Patch the Roof)
39. 熔岩快跑(Coal Rush)
40. 海滩的流浪汉(Beach Bum)
41. 触水生气(Angry When Wet)
42. 已经起飞(We Have Liftoff)
43. 泥浆快跑(Ooze Rush)
44. 准备发射(Out to Launch)
45. 上上下下(Gotta Get Down to Get Up)
46. 蒸汽交通控制器(Air Traffic Controller)
47. 上去 & 离开(Up Up Up and Away)
48. 石化炸弹(Petrified of Bombs)
49. 全部摧毁(Meltdown)
50. 丢掉泥浆(Lose the Ooze)